Nutrition and hydration in the workplace

Maintaining a balanced diet is essential to leading a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. However, fast pace working environments can distract from a healthy diet. With mental and physical health being so directly linked to a person’s diet, it can impact workplace performance and engagement. Nutrition and hydration dictate energy levels, physical wellness and even self-image. It is vital to maintain these levels to succeed in the workplace and everyday life.
Why is nutrition and hydration in the workplace important
Nutrition and hydration are the basis for supporting cognitive function as well as physical wellbeing. Failing to maintain healthy levels for both could result in decreased energy levels, lower workplace engagement which will have a domino effect of increased stress as employees fall behind on workloads. Healthy levels of hydration and nutrition are essential to succeeding in any workplace, whether it be in an office setting or a construction site. There are some basic steps employees can take to maintain a healthy diet in the workplace to perform to the levels required.
Regarding nutrition, it is recommended that high fibre, starchy carbohydrates should make up a third of a person’s daily diet. High fibre, wholegrain options such as wholewheat bread, pasta or brown rice will satisfy hunger for longer, releasing energy slower throughout the day. This is essential in the workplace. Just under 60% of the population in the UK work between 31 and 45 hours a week. Maintaining energy throughout the week is essential, this is why a diet which releases energy slowly throughout the day can help employees perform on a consistent basis in their role.
An easy tip to help maintain a healthy diet in the workplace is to simply add colour to your meals. Adding a variety of colours to meals makes them more appetising and act as indicators as to whether a meal is correctly balanced and contains the key nutrients required to maintain a healthy diet. It may seem incredibly simplistic, but a colourful diet will typically ensure a balanced meal that includes a selection of fruit and vegetables. An example of such a nutritional plan is the ‘Mediterranean diet’. Studies have found that this diet can improve physical wellbeing and increase cognitive function, making employees more active in the workplace.
When discussing a healthy diet, hydration is often a forgotten factor. Remaining hydrated throughout the day with approximately 4L for men and 3L for women is essential to remaining energised and healthy. It can help to curb cravings to avoid unhealthy snacking which can ultimately have a negative effect on physical wellbeing as energy is used up quicker and impacts productivity. Fruit can help a person stay hydrated whilst being a healthy snack alterative to crisps, biscuits or chocolate.
Ways to incorporate nutrition and into your busy shift schedule
When operating via a hectic shift cycle which could involve late finishes and early starts, it can be very difficult to maintain nutritional levels and a consistent diet. This is especially true for those who work in hospitality, as store assistants or even for those working in the film and television industry. However, there are various methods which can be incorporated into a work cycle to maintain nutrition.
1. Meal prep
When working through hectic shift patterns, it can be very tempting to indulge in fast food and unhealthy snacks to keep you going throughout the day. However, this could lead to quickly using up energy and becoming sluggish. Preparing a balanced meal, healthy snacks and regularly hydrating will conserve energy to be released slowly throughout the day, making you more productive and engaged.
2. Aim to create a meal schedule
Scheduling is easier said than done, especially when it comes to an odd or busy shift pattern. However, keeping to a regular dietary plan and schedule at home can translate to maintaining it in work. This could mean having breakfast and dinner at the same time each day if you are working set shifts, keeping any cravings at hand and acclimatising your body to this pattern. For varying shift patterns, it could involve adjusting a schedule to keep mealtimes and the nutritional value of each evenly spaced out. This could involve avoiding meals directly before going to sleep and so forth.
3. Healthy and easy snacks
In certain sectors, breaks can be as short 20 minutes during an 8-hour shift. This is a very short amount of time to eat a prepared meal and could mean eating faster and risking bloating or indigestion which will have a negative impact on productivity. In instances such as this, best practice may be preparing healthy snacks to enjoy throughout a shift. This could be fruits, vegetables, smoothies. Easy and healthy snacking solutions that can be enjoyed on the go without draining energy as rapidly.
Staying hydrated at work
Hydration is vital in any scenario, but to perform to a high level in the workplace, it is essential. When someone is dehydrated, they can become sluggish, lose concentration and even falling ill, leading to workplace absences. Currently The Health and Safety Executive recommends that employees should drink 250ml of water every 15 minutes when working hard in warmer environments. For this reason and to maintain productivity, employers should ensure they provide employees with a hydration station and the option to take very brief breaks to refill water bottles. For this reason, it is also advised that employees bring their own refillable water bottles or containers so that they can refill and maintain a nearby source of water for the remainder of the day.
Wisdom App for nutrition and hydration
Keeping track of your nutrition and hydration levels can often be a tricky task. It might be difficult to maintain a healthy diet and keep track of how much water you are drinking. With the Wisdom App, employees can easily access a host of nutritional resources and track their physical wellbeing.
Available through HA | Wisdom Wellbeing’s Employee Assistance Programme, the Wisdom App provides access to 4-week plans to stay on top of hydration and maintaining a nutritious diet. As well as this, there are a host of healthy recipes available through the app. Some of these recipes include:
Nectarine, Burrata and Speck Ham Salad
Harissa Lamb and Braised Butterbeans
Tomato, Oregano and Lamb Gnocchi
Paneer Biryani and more.
Users can also keep track of their hydration through the water intake feature to ensure they are achieving their goal of maintain healthy hydration levels throughout the day. Using this feature allows employees to focus on other healthy initiatives such as reducing their caffeine intake through tracking water intake and tips on how to change their relationship with caffeine.
The Wisdom App provides all the necessary resources to remain healthy and maintain high nutritional and hydrational levels throughout the working day. Contact a member of our team today or visit our website to explore pricing options for our EAP and access to the Wisdom App.
Nutrition and hydration are both essential factors of a healthy lifestyle and remaining committed to your goals. This is especially true in the workplace. Maintaining focus on the task at hand in the workplace will make you more engaged and efficient, which ultimately leads to reduced stress levels and greater wellbeing. It may seem a basic principle, but it is one that people often forget and lose track of their nutrition. Visit our website to read our articles for key insights on workplace health.
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If you are a business or organisation looking to provide your employees with an EAP service and access to the Wisdom App, contact us today to find out about the benefits you can bring to your workforce.