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Exam Stress and Deadlines

Student exam stress and deadlines

Exams and deadlines are the two most dreaded words in the student vocabulary. The pressure of performing well, juggling multiple deadlines and revising for multiple subjects can weigh heavily. In a recent survey, it was found that 85% of students experienced exam anxiety with 1 in 4 stating the stress was unbearable. Adding to this, reportedly 65% of pupils have reported absences caused by exam stress.

It is perfectly normal to experience exam and deadline stress, regardless of age or level of education, the strain it causes is never simple to manage.

Why are exams so stressful?

There are a multitude of reasons as to why exams cause such high levels of stress.

One of the primary causes is the overall pressure students feel. It could be pressure from parents and tutors to perform to a high level, the anxiety of not achieving a predicted grade to progress to the next level of education or it could be self-imposed pressure. All these factors increase the levels of stress a student is experiencing and can lead to more pressing issues which only amplify the stress further.

When focusing on exams, it can seem as though all other issues are secondary, when in actuality, they are all piling up and increasing stress levels. With the length of time exams last for, from preparation to anxiously awaiting the results, other causes of stress are bound to occur. During exam season, if someone is experiencing personal issues such as problems with friends or family, they can very quickly become burnout. Experiencing this level of stress to the point of burnout can have a knock-on effect which causes more exam stress. Burnout and high levels of stress might lead to a decline in physical health with headaches, etc. leading to a lack of sleep, all of which could lead to poor mental health.

Many students place an extraordinary amount of significance on exams. It is understandable as they can decide a student’s grade. However, many believe their grade will decide their career path an ultimately their future. In some sectors, this is true, such as in healthcare or engineering. Despite this, there are other options. This might include resists, entry courses or apprenticeships. Focusing on exams and trying to get the best responsible is important, but placing too much emphasis on exams can cause untold stress. Sometimes it is important to take a moment away from the intensity of the situation to gain perspective and refresh your mind.

How to identify if you might be stressed?

To an extent, every student of every age group will experience exam stress and anxiety. This can sometimes be a benefit as it might inspire a student to prepare, revise and ensure they are focused. The flip side of this is that intense stress can make it harder to focus and are accompanied by detrimental effects.

Poor sleep

Stress affects the body in multiple ways, such as causing weight gain and digestive problems. In the throws of exam season however, when stress is affecting brain activity, sociability and memory, all results in a disrupted sleeping pattern. Studies have determined that due to the function of sleep in cognition stress response, sleep is essential for preventing increased anxiety rates. Lack of sleep will only cause more stress in a vicious cycle, culminating in a hugely negative impact on all aspects of exam preparation.


Often, stress can lead directly to physical symptoms. This is especially true in the case of headaches. These can manifest through tension-type headaches or even migraines. The stress caused by exams through intense workloads, lack of sleep and screen exposure can cause students frequent headaches.


One of the more concerning symptoms of negative and extensive stress is depression. The pressure from time constraints, feelings of anxiety, reduced sleep and external pressure can lead to anger, isolation and feelings of hopelessness. When feelings of depression begin to occur, students become less motivated to do work, prepare for exams or even in some cases attend their exams.

How to deal with exam stress

Overcoming exam stress and anxiousness is the key to succeeding in exams. Much like most situations in life, it can feel much more intense when you are engulfed by it. But, if you were to take a moment to yourself and away from the situation, the problem and any solution becomes clearer. There are solutions to handling exam stress and using it in a positive sense to keep you motivated and driven.

1. Create a plan

Disorganisation can cause an unprecedented amount of stress throughout exam season. Without functional planning for exams, with set timeframes, topics and structure, each exam will feel more daunting. Planning allows for time to focus on one thing at a time, centring yourself and prioritising your focuses will ensure a far less stressful preparation process which will calm your nerves on the day, allowing for greater success.

2. Collaborate with others

Isolation and loneliness are incredibly strong emotions and can have a huge impact on a someone’s mental health. This is especially true for students when considering all the academic pressures they are under which is then amplified again in exam season. As exams are individual assessments, it can be very tempting to indulge the isolation and separate yourself from others. But, checking in with friends, or course mates with how they’re doing, what they might be struggling with and helping each other with different areas can be extremely beneficial in a practical sense, and calm the mind.

3. Reward yourself

Torturing yourself with endless amounts of work and no end in sight can have a hugely negative impact on morale. It could be as simple as a 20-minute break after completing a block of revision, it could be a nice meal at lunch or the end of the day or even socialising with friends. It is vital you give yourself time to recharge and relieve stress so that you are better able to maintain productivity and focus.

How to identify if you might be stressed?

To an extent, every student of every age group will experience exam stress and anxiety. This can sometimes be a benefit as it might inspire a student to prepare, revise and ensure they are focused. The flip side of this is that intense stress can make it harder to focus and are accompanied by detrimental effects.

Poor sleep

Stress affects the body in multiple ways, such as causing weight gain and digestive problems. In the throws of exam season however, when stress is affecting brain activity, sociability and memory, all results in a disrupted sleeping pattern. Studies have determined that due to the function of sleep in cognition stress response, sleep is essential for preventing increased anxiety rates. Lack of sleep will only cause more stress in a vicious cycle, culminating in a hugely negative impact on all aspects of exam preparation.


Often, stress can lead directly to physical symptoms. This is especially true in the case of headaches. These can manifest through tension-type headaches or even migraines. The stress caused by exams through intense workloads, lack of sleep and screen exposure can cause students frequent headaches.


One of the more concerning symptoms of negative and extensive stress is depression. The pressure from time constraints, feelings of anxiety, reduced sleep and external pressure can lead to anger, isolation and feelings of hopelessness. When feelings of depression begin to occur, students become less motivated to do work, prepare for exams or even in some cases attend their exams.

Top tips for deadlines

Exam pressure and anxiety is a topic that is widely publicised, as well as how to effectively handle it. Comparatively, the stress of deadlines is not emphasised as widely. This may be because of the immediacy of exams and facing them in a fixed timeframe, it could be due to the fact people face deadlines in almost every aspect of their lives.

When it comes to academic deadlines, they can be extremely stressful. They often clash with each other, exams and a host of other external factors. Deadlines can creep up, initially they can seem an age away, a lesser priority, but very quickly whilst other things take focus, they can arrive and build up immense pressure rapidly. Here are a few tips to consider for handling deadline stress and overcoming them effectively with a high standard:

  • Segment tasks

When it comes to dealing with tasks and deadlines, viewing them in the grander scope of things can lead stress and anxiety over where to start and how to address it. When a task is segmented into pieces made up of smaller tasks, it becomes far less intimidating and far easier to manage. This could be the structure of an essay, conducting research or even putting a practical element into place. Understanding each aspect of a larger task enables you to tackle it with clearer intention.

  • Do the research

Working towards a deadline can appear to just be creating or writing up a piece of work. What is often not factored into the time allotted for a deadline is researching reliable information to strengthen a piece of work. This could be from an approved reading list, your own source or even primary research. Allotting the necessary time to research a topic will strengthen your work and relive any unnecessary stress as you will have the knowledge and feel comfortable to complete the task in a timely manner.

  • Allow time for yourself

Working to meet and overcome a deadline can sometimes feel like an all-encompassing task, especially as the deadline approaches. It is important to remember to take moments for yourself. Taking breaks can refresh your mind and give you inspiration when returning to the task at hand. These breaks could be to make some food, go on a walk, watch a film or socialise. Whatever it is, just ensure that it provides some freedom and perspective away from the task at hand, taking a moment away will likely strengthen your work and give you a new perspective.

How the Student Assistance Programme can help students

During exam season and with end of the year deadlines on the horizon, it can all become overbearing and sometimes seem like too much for students. This level of stress alongside any other external factors can lead to a decline in mental health which will only make dealing with exams and deadlines more difficult.

In instances where students need that additional expert support, HA | Wisdom Wellbeing’s Student Assistance Programme (SAP) provides the necessary resources and outlet to overcome these struggles. Through short-term counselling sessions with accredited experts, students can access our 24/7 information line, 365-days a year. With access to support with future planning, dealing with stress and anxiety and range of other topics, all students covered by our SAP can better focus on their wellbeing and academic performance.

As well as access to our expert counsellors, students will have access to the Wisdom App. Through the app, students can access a host of resources that can support their mental health and wellbeing. They can actively track their moods to keep on top of their mental state and their physical wellbeing through breathing exercises, yoga and healthy recipes.

Through the expert assistance of our SAP, students can feel comfortable and settled knowing they have the necessary poo resources to seek the help they need when stress levels become overwhelming, and it begins to impact their mental health.


Exams season is likely going to the most stressful period of any student’s year, especially when this is combined with upcoming deadlines. The speed at which they arrive, and the workload associated with them can be incredibly daunting. Dealing with the stress naturally associated with them due to the pressures to succeed and progress is key to overcoming and achieving your goals. It is key to not become too overwhelmed and engrossed in the tasks at hand. Providing yourself a plan, goals, structure and room to breathe will naturally guide you to success whilst relieving stress.

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