World Aids Day 2024

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18 November 2022

When is World Aids Day?

World Aids Day takes place on Sunday, 1st December 2024 and aims to support people living with HIV and educate about what it’s like to live with HIV in today’s world. There is often a lot of confusion surrounding the realities of HIV and AIDS. So, we’re going to try and fill you in on some of the facts and figures before we move on to ways you can raise awareness in the workplace.

HIV and AIDS—what are they?

HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system. It stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome and it develops as a result of the damages that HIV causes to the immune system. The immune system can then no longer fight off infections it normally would.

HIV and AIDS aren’t the same. AIDS develops when HIV is left untreated.

The facts

  • People on effective HIV treatment can’t pass it on.
  • 1 in 5 people with HIV needed help with loneliness and isolation in the past year.
  • 1 in 8 people living with HIV said they had never told anyone about their HIV status other than healthcare professionals.
  • Of everyone living with HIV in the UK, 1 in 16 don’t know.
  • HIV can’t be passed on through day-to-day contact.
  • There are many ways to prevent HIV, including getting tested and using condoms.
  • People with HIV live long and happy lives.

Raising awareness in the workplace

The statistics highlight how the conditions can affect people’s mental health and wellbeing. They also show that there’s a large number of people in the UK who are unaware they are living with HIV. When employers take action and raise awareness of these issues, it opens the conversation in the workplace. Employees are then more likely to speak up should they have any health-related concerns. This year, try out one of the ideas below.

Host an awareness day event 

On the big day, you can raise awareness by hosting a talk on the topic of AIDS. All it takes is a quick half an hour at lunchtime. Educate employees on the facts and figures, preventions and treatments. The session will show your willingness to support people suffering from the condition. 

Hold a fundraiser 

National Aids Trust is a charity that champions the rights of people living with HIV and raises awareness on a global scale. You could host a challenge in the workplace, have your very own bake off or hold a raffle and donate all the proceeds. It’s a great way to get employees engaged and involved with the project too.

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