Different types of sensory stimulus
Flickering or flashing lights, sudden changes in lighting, fluorescent lights, bright lights
A lot of people in one space, certain patterns or colour combinations, messy or cluttered environments, face-moving visuals
Crowded spaces, specific music or instruments can feel unsettling, high pitch sounds, constant repetitive noise: chewing, pen clicking, background noise or people talking, sudden burst of noise such as fire alarms.
Light or gentle touch by surroundings or people, sensitivity to temperature of objects – too hot or too cold, exposure to moisture or sticky objects, or scratchy materials.
Intense or overpowering smells, such as: cooking, floral smells, cleaning products.
Humid weather or dry air, sudden changes in temperature, breezes, extreme heat or cold environment.
Sensitivity to textures of food, temperatures, strong tastes: sour, bitter, sweet or spicy foods.