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Mental health at work

70% of adults in Northern Ireland have experienced a mental health problem in the last twelve months.

The most successful employers in the public, private and non-profit sectors introduce a positive culture around mental health at work. Not only does it help their people, it also improves their organisation’s performance.

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Why mental health is important to your business

When you’re open about the importance of mental health, you help your staff’s emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. With Health Assured you enjoy five clear benefits:

  1. Work becomes a happier place to be, which helps you attract the best talent.

  2. Staff become much more motivated and their work output improves.

  3. Your best people stay loyal to both you and your business, reducing staff turnover.

  4. Employees take fewer days off with mental health symptoms and, if they are unwell, they stay off work like they should.

  5. You enhance your overall business reputation.

Corporate Wellbeing

Better mental health, better bottom line

The annual cost of mental health to employers is staggering. In 2008 the Mental Health Commission report The Economics of Mental Health Care in Ireland estimated the direct cost of poor mental health in Ireland at €3 billion each year.

So if you make an effort to boost staff mental wellbeing, how much would you be set to save per employee, per year?

Research shows that an Employee Assistance Programme can provide a return on investment of €8 for every €1 spent.

To see how much your organisation could save, speak with one of our mental health at work experts today.

Corporate Wellbeing

Supporting mental health at work

Keeping your workforce happy and healthy is substantially beneficial not only for the staff but also for your organisation.

For the organisation:

  • Decreases absence leave
  • Increases productivity
  • Happier and healthier workforce
  • Better staff retention
  • Workplace becomes more enjoyable for all

For your colleagues:

  • Improved confidence
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Better decision making
  • Happier and healthier overall
Corporate Wellbeing

Boost mental health with an EAP

The Health Assured Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is a useful benefit tool to complement your promotion of mental health wellbeing at work.

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