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Clinical Advisory Board

Health Assured are proud to introduce our external clinical board. The board will meet every quarter to discuss both industry and clinical best practices, in addition to consulting on what Health Assured are planning to do in the future.

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Prof. Sir Cary Cooper CBE

Chair of the board and Professor of Organisational Psychology

Professor Sir Cary Cooper CBE is the 50th Anniversary Professor of Organisational Psychology and Health at ALLIANCE Manchester Business School of the University of Manchester, Immediate Past President of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (HR professional body), Past President of the British Academy of Management,  President of the Institute of Welfare and Founding Chair of the National Forum of Health & Wellbeing at Work (an employer body comprised of 44 major/global employers).

He is the author/editor of over 200 books (e.g.  Wellbeing: Productivity and Happiness at Work, The Crisis Book, The Outstanding Middle Manager, Handbook of Stress and Health, and Editor of the six  volume Wiley-Blackwell compendium Wellbeing), and over 400 scholarly articles on organisational psychology and HR topics.

He has eight Honorary doctorates and is Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (Occupational Medicine College).  He is the first port of call by the national and international media on workplace health and wellbeing. He received a CBE from the Queen in 2001 for his contribution to occupational health, and was Knighted by the Queen in 2014 for his contribution to the social sciences.

Dr Will Ponsonby

Occupational Medicine Consultant

Dr Will Ponsonby, FFOMI, Past-President the Society of Occupational Medicine. Independent Occupational Medicine Consultant, Honorary Senior Lecturer University of Manchester

He qualified in Medicine Birmingham UK 1986.Trained in General Practice and Emergency Medicine. 1996 he ran the medical service for AIOC/BP in Baku Azerbaijan. ISOS Regional Medical Director for Russian and Kazakhstan 4 years.

2002 UK, trained and board certified in Occupational Medicine and worked for Shell UK looking after the North Sea offshore workforce. 2006 he transferred to The Hague for Shell, Corporate Health Adviser for Exploration and Production International. 2010 Shell Regional Manager for the Middle East and Africa based in Dubai including Health Management of the Iraq projects.

He joined Rio Tinto as Head of Health in August 2015, based in London & Singapore. President of the UK Society of Occupational Medicine 2018/2019. Senior Lecturer in Occupational Medicine University of Manchester. OH consultancy practice 2019 onwards. Clients include; Transport for London; Kimberly Clark; and Glencore. Course Director i-heed diploma in Occupational Medicine RCPI.

Elizabeth Holt

MSc, PGCert, PDip, AFHEA, MBACP (Accred).

Elizabeth Holt is a BACP-accredited counsellor, clinical supervisor, EMDR psychotherapist, doctoral research fellow and lecturer. She is also the supervision columnist for the BACP’s Children, Young People and Families diversional journal. Elizabeth has a special interest in working with, and support those who work with, trauma and is currently completing a doctorate in psychological trauma at the University of Chester. Since becoming a member of the BACP in 2014, she has worked in schools and universities, non-profit organisations, and spent the last seven years working in and around EAPs -- previously holding a counselling manager position. Elizabeth currently works primarily in independent practice and lectures at two universities in the North-West.

Elizabeth brings a practitioner-based perspective to the clinical board with a lens on both the client and counsellor experience of working within EAP. Having worked in EAP for many years herself and offered clinical supervision to other practitioners in this specialised area, Elizabeth has a sound understanding and empathy for the demands, challenges and extraordinary benefits that EAP brings to the lives of so many. Her position on the clinical board is one of support for positive change in the industry as Health Assured leads the way, going from strength to strength in its evolution and innovation in the sector.

Elizabeth Holt

Matthew Smith

Associate Director - Clinical Excellence

MSc, PGCert, MBACP (Accred.)

Matthew Smith is a BACP-accredited counsellor, EMDR practitioner, trainer and critical incident responder. He operates a trauma-focused private practice in addition to holding clinical governance for the day to day running of the Health Assured EAP service.

Matthew has experience of developing and delivering mental health training in a range of settings, integrating contemporary research into evidence based practice.

Matthew joined Health Assured in his current role in April 2024 and has previously worked in association with Health Assured since 2013 variously as a counselling manager, affiliate counsellor, trainer and CISM provider. His extensive experience of working with EAP’s and commitment to clinical excellence informs service development and ensures a focus on the wellbeing of both service users and staff.”

Kylie Turner

Head of Counselling, Health Assured, UK

Kylie Turner graduated with a BSc (Hons) Psychology degree in 2011 and qualified as a Counsellor in 2014.

She holds a Level 4 Diploma in Counselling, has completed over 450 counselling hours and is a registered member of The British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP).

Kylie joined Health Assured in 2015. Her current role oversees the day-to-day management of our Counselling Department, ensuring overall operational efficiency and performance management across the department. She is also responsible for ensuring adherence to clinical governance across the service teams, maintaining and updating policies and ensuring all counsellors are providing the highest level of service and support to our callers.

Richard Krytowycz

Senior Clinical & Development Manager, Health Assured, UK

Richard has worked with Health Assured for over 10 years and is a British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) member, with a Certificate in Critical Incident Stress Management. He holds a Combined Honours BA in Psychology and Counselling, as well as a Post-Graduate Certificate in Professional Counselling.

Richard is a Senior Clinical & Development Manager at Health Assured and, in his role, he has overseen the transition and implementation of several services across a range of public, corporate and third sector clients, developing the necessary systems and implementing processes to ensure high quality service provision, as well as building an effective counselling team.

Richard works closely as clinical lead for our key partnerships with a focus on continuous development and improvement of the "Gold Standard Service" we provide. He previously worked within an Occupational Health department for the NHS, providing in-person counselling support to staff members and has significant experience implementing change and developing processes to maximise the effectiveness and benefits of services.

His 13 years in providing counselling support to employers and employees means that he has a sound understanding of organisational agendas and workplace health & wellbeing issues that affect employees, facilitating support at both individual and organisational levels. This, coupled with his experience of service delivery management means that he is ideally placed to drive continuous development of clinical governance and service effectiveness.

Richard Krytowycz

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