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What are the healthiest ways to de-stress

Healthy Ways to De-stress

Life is full of stressors that affect us. From family life to work and everything in between, stress can build up without us realising it.

A little stress can be good sometimes, but too much of it can leave us feeling out of sorts. Has stress been getting to you lately? Maybe you’ve felt a bit grouchy or snappier lately. If this is something you’ve recognised in yourself, now is a good time to learn about healthy ways to de-stress, restore calm and manage your mental wellbeing.

What causes stress?

Many things can cause stress. However, what stage we’re at with our lives can determine what stresses us out the most. For example, upcoming exams can cause stress among students, whilst an adult may be more likely to experience stress caused by starting a family, buying a home and long-term employment.

Here are some of the most common stressors many of us experience in our lives.


Whether that’s family, friends or romance, we can experience stress in various ways, depending on the type of relationship you’re dealing with. For example, family difficulties cause a different level of stress compared to a friendship fallout.


Money and finances play a huge part in our lives, as after all, we need money to be able to afford to live in a home, buy food and fund our lifestyles. With the cost-of-living crisis still a problem for many, money as a stressor can be prominent for some households.

Work-life balance

In the same breath as the last point, some may feel the need to work a job that gives less work-life balance to be able to afford certain expenses, which in turn leads to decreased work-life balance. For others, not having a job that gives them satisfaction both in and out of work can cause long-term stress and even burnout.

Major life events

Bereavement, divorce, moving home and similar events can be emotionally challenging in varying degrees. For example, a sudden loss can cause complicated feelings of grief, which could be compounded by financial worries and not being able to take ample time off work to grieve.

Health issues

Health issues can arise or worsen if they’re pre-existing, which can disrupt other areas of one’s life. This can worsen with side effects of medication, a lack of support or autonomy – which can affect one’s mental health over a period of time.

How to deal with stress at work

To deal with any kind of stress, prioritising self-care will be at the top of your list. When it comes to dealing with work stress, there are a variety of other things you can do to lessen your stress levels effectively.

1. Understand the signs of stress

It’s easy to dismiss the signs of stress if you’re under pressure at work. Here are some subtle signs you may be experiencing stress at work:

• Irritability

• Anxiety and depression

• Loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy

• Racing thoughts and rumination

• Self-isolation

• Dread and/or ‘Sunday scaries’

• Indigestion

• Headaches

• Dizzy spells and/or nausea

2. Delegate tasks

It can be easy to take on too much without realising. If you’re in line management, or work as part of a team, try to delegate tasks elsewhere so you can focus on the crux of your job. If delegation simply isn’t possible, then prioritising work with your senior team will be important to manage your own workload, as well as their expectations.

3. Talk to your employer

Employers have a duty of care to ensure you can work safely, and this extends to your mental health too. If you feel comfortable to do so, speak to your manager about how you’re feeling. If the workload is unsustainable, or you’re experiencing something troublesome in or out of work, they may be able to help accommodate you by:

• Delegating tasks for you

• Recommending you use an employee assistance programme (EAP)

• Extend deadlines

• Facilitate flexible working and/or time off work to deal with any personal issues

• Deal with internal troubles such as workplace bullying

4. Use your EAP

Actually, using your EAP is a big step in itself. Your EAP can help by providing counselling support to equip you with the tools to deal with work-related stress. They can also support you with any escalated mental health issues such as anxiety and depression off the back of prolonged stressful periods.

5. Take time to recharge

Mental health stigma is still prevalent in the workplace – but it’s important to realise that mental health is just as important as your physical health. Make sure you’re utilising your annual leave for relaxing activities, use your company’s wellbeing benefits and initiatives, and ensure you’re utilising flexible working to make your mornings and evenings just that extra bit easier on yourself.

You could use the time to simply rest, get back into activities you enjoyed, practice mindfulness, tackle put-off admin tasks and anything else that gives you a sense of accomplishment and calm.

Top tips to de-stress

1. Strive for balance

Eating a balanced diet is good for both body and mind. Obviously, we aren’t nutritional experts, but we believe in starting small. If your diet hasn’t been the best recently, slowly introduce healthy foods and snacks, and up your water intake incrementally if hydration isn’t your forte. You can find some delicious recipes on the Wisdom app that are developed by qualified nutritionists!

2. Move your body

Whether that’s going for a walk, taking a yoga class or joining a gym – moving your body in some shape or form can help reduce stress. It can also help ease the effects of existing mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression.

It can be hard to start exercising if you’re already feeling stressed or burnt out. That’s why it’s important to start any form of exercise slowly but surely. It can help to do an activity you enjoy, or something totally different to what you’re used to such as rock climbing or roller skating!

3. Minimise screen time

Have you ever noticed increased stress and low mood after scrolling social media? In one study, screen time has been associated with 59% of adults reporting negative health effects, including 28% citing mental health issues, and 40% citing physical issues. While there’s nothing wrong with the occasional scroll or online news update, excessive use can have a serious impact on our mental health.

Try to find other activities that you know relax you and don’t involve using a screen. Even if that’s engaging in a spring clean, reading books or engrossing yourself in a hobby that requires both hands.

4. Set healthy boundaries

Healthy boundaries ensures your inner peace is protected and overall stress levels are kept to a minimum. This could even involve the aforementioned screentime but also saying no to activities you know may cause additional stress – such as social events with alcohol, or an activity you simply don’t feel comfortable doing.

5. Get out in nature

Connecting with nature can improve your mental health and reduce stress. Simply observing natural forms, how they smell and move around us can invoke feelings of calm and reduce our overall stress levels as a result. Try and find time to go on a nature walk or sit by a body of running water to really reap the benefits of nature.

6. Connect with others

Socialising, especially in-person, can reduce stress by offering a positive distraction, support, and a sense of belonging, while also releasing endorphins that boost our happiness and lower stress hormones. If socialising in person isn’t possible, try a video call so you can see the other person’s reactions and social cues.

7. Seek counselling

When the going gets tough and your stress levels feel unmanageable, counselling can help you talk through your issues and build resilience. Even if you feel as though you don’t need counselling yet, it can act as a preventative measure before you reach a point of burnout. Our EAP service here at HA | Wisdom Wellbeing provides individuals with counselling support to help with a variety of issues such as work-related stress, anxiety, depression and other psychological conditions.

8. Declutter

Research by Mind has shown that being in a cluttered space can lead to high levels of the stress hormone cortisol. The act of clearing your space can be therapeutic in itself – especially if you work from home often. As they say, a clear space is a clear mind. Clean your slate by starting with one section of your space at a time to not overwhelm yourself with a big decluttering task, and see how the act of physically removing unnecessary items and clearing your space provides a calming effect on the mind.

9. Get your thoughts out

The act of journalling is a great way for some people to get their stressful thoughts down on paper. It can provide relief from stress by helping you organise your thoughts or simply “get them out”. Some may prefer physical or digital journalling, engaging in art therapy, free-writing (where you don’t stop to check your grammar!), morning pages or letter writing. Find a style that works for you through trial and error.

10. Laugh more

Laughter releases endorphins – the “feel good” hormone. It can also stimulate body circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress too. Whether that’s watching a funny animal video, going to a comedy show or playing a board game with friends – all of these ways and more can help reduce your stress levels.

How to prevent stress?

There are many ways to prevent stress and keep it at bay. Whether it’s at work or in your personal time, try the following:

  • Manage your time and tasks

  • Seek help from your EAP, therapist and/or support system

  • Practice gratitude without minimising your struggles

  • Challenge negative thoughts when you feel able to

  • Find joy and humour in life

  • Ensure you’re getting adequate rest (7-9 hours a night)

  • Take regular breaks – even during social events

How an EAP can help with stress

Seeking support for stress and other psychological conditions is not an easy feat. When the going gets tough, our EAP is always here for support. Our qualified counsellors are available 24/7, 365 days a year, meaning if the going gets tough – we’re on hand to help. They can also schedule short-term, solution-focused therapy to help you talk about your issues and support you.

If you want to keep track of your wellbeing over time, our Wisdom app is the perfect way to do so. Easily synced with Apple and Android devices, you can track your daily steps, water intake, activity levels and more. It works as a fantastic tool to help you spot trends – particularly when it comes to your mood. With our unique mood-tracking tool, you can easily identify what may have been affecting you that day and whether your activity and water intake may have played a part. Plus, our app is packed with tons of guides, recipes, guided meditation and videos to support you on your wellbeing journey.


Stress is something we all go through from time to time. It’s important to identify the signs and symptoms, as well as prevent stress from escalating into more serious health issues. It’s easy to get carried away with work, which is why it’s important to manage your stress levels so you can maintain productivity at a manageable level that doesn’t affect your health. With our expert tips to reduce stress, coupled with our EAP service and unique Wisdom wellbeing app, you can both seek support and self-manage your stress levels overtime. Of course, our counsellors are always here for crisis support and immediate intervention should you ever need it.

Discover how an EAP can support your employees

With a Health Assured Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), we can offer you practical advice and support when it comes to dealing with workplace stress and anxiety issues.

Our EAP service provides guidance and supports your employees with their mental health in the workplace and at home. We can help you create a safe, productive workspace that supports all.

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