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Never Give Up Day 2024

Never Give Up Day 2024

Never Give Up Day is next happening on 18th August 2024 and is a time to celebrate the resilience and hard work we all put in to accomplish our own personal goals and pursue our dreams. But is there enough awareness about a day that highlights the importance of overcoming challenges and staying motivated?

Considering 38% of people in the UK have cited a lack of motivation as the reason for not making a lifestyle change, it certainly doesn’t seem like it!

But those 3 simple words hold a great deal of power and positivity behind them. So, how can you harness and channel that energy into pushing that little bit harder and achieving what you want from life?

Here’s how to stay on track and celebrate yourself and those around you.

Stay Realistic

Long-term goals are a wonderful thing. They keep us motivated to get out of bed and seize the day ahead. But these goals take time to achieve, and it’s easy to feel lost and hopeless if you’re not willing to set smaller, more realistic aims in between.

Like any task, breaking your aims up into smaller, more manageable ones can keep you on track. You’ll also be able to celebrate those short-term victories as you get closer to that big goal!

Don’t Measure Yourself Against Others

People who achieve their goals seldom compare themselves to others. And when it comes to negative feelings, we never truly know what someone else is going through. Whether it’s a friend celebrating a new job or someone being brave enough to admit they need mental health support, cheering others on is what this day is all about.

A small victory for some could be a huge win for someone else. At the end of the day, you’re in competition with yourself, and yourself only. Resist the urge to judge others and prioritise your own needs instead.

Solo Goals Don’t Have to be Solo Efforts

It’s not easy for people with a driven and aspirational mindset to admit they’ve bitten off more than they can chew. But it’s important to remember that there’s a lot of strength and bravery in admitting that you need some help now and then.

All successful people have a support system around them, and in those dark days when all feels lost, and you’re close to giving up, they can be the fuel that keeps you pushing onwards.

Acknowledge When You Need to Stop

No one gets to the top without a lot of down time to recharge those batteries and come back stronger than ever. It’s an empowering thing to stop and heal after a mentally draining week. If you don’t, those difficult weeks can soon become months, leading to lethargy, stress, and burnout.

How Health Assured Can Help

Good mental health and wellbeing are essential to getting where you want to in life, and enjoying the journey while you do. At Health Assured, we understand that never giving up means having the right support and guidance to keep you on that path.

Do you have a Wellbeing Programme with us? Reach out and speak to our counsellors in a safe and confidential space.

Support your employees with an EAP

With a Health Assured Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), we can offer you practical advice and support when it comes to dealing with workplace stress and anxiety issues.

Our EAP service provides guidance and supports your employees with their mental health in the workplace and at home. We can help you create a safe, productive workspace that supports all.

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